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Inspecting the initial stages of the early career framework and national professional qualifications

A woman using a laptop to type up notes

Recruiting, training and retaining high-quality teachers and leaders is fundamentally important. It forms the foundation for giving pupils the very best experience in education. In March, we published our new framework for inspecting lead providers of the early career framework …

Inspection outcomes for further education and skills (FE and skills) initial teacher education programmes in the current ITE inspection cycle

Two teachers talking to each other

Today, we published the statistics about our initial teacher education (ITE) inspections. This included the outcomes for FE and skills teacher training. You can view the statistics, and those from previous years, here. We have carried out 14 inspections of …

Ofsted webinars for schools – responses to questions and new webinars

Children sat facing forward in a classroom listening to the teacher

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who attended or viewed our schools webinar series earlier this year. The recordings of these sessions are available on YouTube and the slides have been published on our SlideShare. These sessions looked at: …

What next for further education and skills initial teacher education inspections?

A tutor delivering a lesson

Helen Matthews, our Senior Her Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) for Teacher Development, clarifies how and when Ofsted will inspect further education and skills (FES) teacher training programmes through the initial teacher education (ITE) framework. As part of our ITE inspection framework, …

Asking teachers what they think: Ofsted’s recent Teacher Tapp survey results

Two teachers chatting in a classroom

Chris Jones, our Director, Strategy and Engagement, and Alex Jones, our Director, Insights and Research, on what a recent survey of teachers found out about inspection, Ofsted’s research and evaluation work, and other hot topics. We recently commissioned Teacher Tapp …

The education inspection framework (EIF) – looking ahead to September 2022

Pupils painting in a school art lesson.

Christopher Russell, our National Director, Education, discusses the recent changes to our EIF handbooks and moving beyond transitional arrangements. We are coming to the end of another academic year and looking ahead to September 2022. Following our return to inspection, …

Supporting secondary school pupils who are behind with reading

Secondary school pupils reading in class, with one pupil discussing his book with the teacher.

Gill Jones, our Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education, on reading in secondary schools and supporting weaker readers. Since we have been back to inspecting, many of you have asked us about how we’re inspecting reading in secondary schools. You …