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Minor updates to further education and skills inspection handbook

At Ofsted we’re very aware of all the changes taking place in the sector and appreciate that there are challenges ahead. I know Area Reviews and apprenticeships reforms are uppermost in many minds.

New complaints scrutiny panels

Boy looking through magnifying glass

Back in June last year, when Ofsted announced the changes to inspection under the common inspection framework, we also explained how we intended to strengthen the way we deal with complaints about inspection. In September, we introduced independent scrutiny to …

Government proposals for Ofsted inspections

teacher in class

...the Department for Education's White Paper is to give new leaders of challenging schools ‘inspection breaks’. New headteachers in schools judged to require improvement can already ask us to take...

Early years inspection and registration from April 2017

Gill Jones

...Wilshaw announced that we’re bringing early years inspection and registration work in-house from April 2017. This means we’ll be directly responsible for the training and management of inspectors, and we’ll...