common inspection framework
There's been a lot of talk recently in the media about algorithms. Facebook has come under scrutiny for their use of algorithms to target users with specific adverts or content. Uber and Deliveroo are using them to support their business model. Public bodies such as HMRC and the Home Office are using algorithmic analysis to look at data and make decisions. I wrote recently about how we’re using them to risk assess schools to help us decide when in the inspection cycle to inspect them.
From January 2018, we will convert a short inspection to a section 5 inspection (normally within 48 hours) if there are serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education.
The culmination of two years’ hard work for those about to take GCSEs, including my own son, is soon to be upon us. Once the exams are taken, marked and...
As the term winds down and people start to plan for the Christmas period, I’d like to thank all our readers of this blog for their interest and engagement. At...
As you will all know, some of the myths about what Ofsted wants still persist in many schools among teachers, senior leaders and governors. Marking, in particular, has proved to be one of the harder myths to bust.
I hope you've all had an enjoyable break over the summer holidays. In preparation for back to school we have published our updated Section 5 and Section 8 school inspection...
As the academic year comes to a close, we'd like to say thank you to all those involved with schools, early years and further education for your hard work over the course of the year. governance very useful too. I’d like to assure you that my colleagues and I will continue to use this space to update you on inspection practice. To that end...
Back in June last year, when Ofsted announced the changes to inspection under the common inspection framework, we also explained how we intended to strengthen the way we deal with complaints about inspection. In September, we introduced independent scrutiny to …
...on #OfstedMyths. It is important to note that this proposal would not signal an end to classroom visits by inspectors. These serve a number of purposes and help inspectors develop...