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Staff qualifications in nurseries and pre-schools: do they make a difference to outcomes?

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Male nursery work and child painting.

There are 27,200 nurseries and pre-schools in England, offering places to 1 million children. They cover 80% of all childcare places on Ofsted’s Early Years Register (EYR). The remaining 20%...

Chris Jones, HMI, Specialist Adviser for apprenticeships, on recording the progress that apprentices make.

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: apprenticeship levy, apprenticeships, further education and skills

Apprenticeship changes are on the horizon, which will have an impact on recording progress as Chris Jones, HMI, Specialist Adviser for apprenticeships explains.

Schools are different. Inspections are different.

Pupils listening

There's been a lot of talk recently in the media about algorithms. Facebook has come under scrutiny for their use of algorithms to target users with specific adverts or content. Uber and Deliveroo are using them to support their business model. Public bodies such as HMRC and the Home Office are using algorithmic analysis to look at data and make decisions. I wrote recently about how we’re using them to risk assess schools to help us decide when in the inspection cycle to inspect them.