‘Deep diving’ in small schools

Mike Sheridan, our Regional Director for London, talks about our new education inspection framework and how we’ll inspect the curriculum in the smallest schools.
Mike Sheridan, our Regional Director for London, talks about our new education inspection framework and how we’ll inspect the curriculum in the smallest schools.
Sean Harford, Ofsted's National Director of Education, on our new inspection framework and the summer break.
Over the last few months, we’ve tested new questions with parents, schools and inspectors. We based the new set of questions on what parents want to know and can answer, what inspectors want to know and what schools find useful. Getting this balance right is important.
Outstanding rated schools are not inspected routinely. Her Majesty's Inspector (HMI) Dan Lambert explains why, and what happens when we do inspect them.
This blog talks about some of the early findings from our pilot inspections under the draft education inspection framework that we are currently consulting on. This framework is scheduled to take effect from September 2019.
...last few months talking to leadership teams around the country about the development of the new framework – and listening to what they have to say. We’ve spoken to many,...
...steps to enhance inspectors’ knowledge of MAT structures and operations, and to improve the quality of reporting. We have brought on board Ofsted Inspectors, who are MAT leaders, to act...
The Stage, theatre newspaper and website, recently published a poll asking readers whether or not they agreed with Amanda Spielman’s statement which they reported as 'arts courses promote unrealistic career prospects to potential students'.
...this some schools are using zero-tolerance approaches in an overly rigid way. We have seen examples of teenage girls being excluded for carrying a knife for the purposes of self-harm....
...home educated, and that the ‘school’ is merely providing some top-up instruction or classes. We recently responded to DfE’s consultation on home education to support the creation of a register...