The apprenticeship levy: implications for inspection

Dr Christopher Jones, Ofsted’s specialist adviser for apprenticeships, explains about the apprenticeship levy and inspection.
Dr Christopher Jones, Ofsted’s specialist adviser for apprenticeships, explains about the apprenticeship levy and inspection.
...for the inspection team and the college. Inspection snapshot As a team member I receive a briefing from the lead inspector before the inspection. On day one I have a...
At Ofsted we’re very aware of all the changes taking place in the sector and appreciate that there are challenges ahead. I know Area Reviews and apprenticeships reforms are uppermost in many minds.
As the academic year comes to a close, we'd like to say thank you to all those involved with schools, early years and further education for your hard work over the course of the year.
Back in June last year, when Ofsted announced the changes to inspection under the common inspection framework, we also explained how we intended to strengthen the way we deal with complaints about inspection. In September, we introduced independent scrutiny to …
...certain factors into consideration when deciding the timing of their next inspection. So we welcome the White Paper’s proposal that it will become established policy to carry out a re-inspection... in a full inspection team to support them, usually within 24-48 hours in a school and within 15 days in an FES provider. A decision to convert does not...
As summer comes to an end it is back to work for many of us, be that for schools, colleges or nurseries. I hope that everyone is refreshed for the...