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further education and skills

Testing our proposals to improve education inspections

A teacher in front of a class of young children. Next to the image, text reads: 'Blog post: Testing our proposals to improve education inspections'

Earlier this month, we launched a public consultation on our new approach to inspecting education providers. This includes new toolkits for how we will inspect, and the introduction of report cards. We want to hear from parents, carers, learners and …

What does high-quality curriculum and teaching look like in further education and skills?

A tutor teaches his class about renewable energy in an engineering workshop. They are all wearing protective eyewear and blue coveralls.

  Our Annual Report 2021/22 showed a broadly positive picture for the further education and skills sector. 80% of providers are good or outstanding. Most of the sector is providing high-quality education for learners and apprentices, despite the pandemic and …

Ofsted's 2023 priorities for schools and further education and skills

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Students in class

2023 is already shaping up to be another busy year for schools and further education (FE) and skills providers. While none of us can quite predict what might be around the corner, our Annual Report, published at the end of …

Inspection outcomes for further education and skills (FE and skills) initial teacher education programmes in the current ITE inspection cycle

Two teachers talking to each other

Today, we published the statistics about our initial teacher education (ITE) inspections. This included the outcomes for FE and skills teacher training. You can view the statistics, and those from previous years, here. We have carried out 14 inspections of …

What next for further education and skills initial teacher education inspections?

A tutor delivering a lesson

Helen Matthews, our Senior Her Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) for Teacher Development, clarifies how and when Ofsted will inspect further education and skills (FES) teacher training programmes through the initial teacher education (ITE) framework. As part of our ITE inspection framework, …

The education inspection framework (EIF) – looking ahead to September 2022

Pupils painting in a school art lesson.

Christopher Russell, our National Director, Education, discusses the recent changes to our EIF handbooks and moving beyond transitional arrangements. We are coming to the end of another academic year and looking ahead to September 2022. Following our return to inspection, …

Online education in further education and skills: learning about what works

Teenage boy sitting working at a laptop

Paul Joyce, Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills, talks about our review into online education during coronavirus (COVID-19) in the further education and skills (FES) sector.