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...made to the handbooks (both graded and ungraded) for schools and non-association independent schools. This is so that leaders and teachers understand our approach and know what to expect for...
...inconsistent and uncoordinated, and that too little is being done to understand and meet the needs of individuals. Pandemic delays We found that most prison education managers had developed appropriate...
...and the first of our subject reports. Our science subject report will be available soon and will paint a picture of the teaching of the subject across England. We hope...
...extensive research into the importance of teaching phonics until children can decode speedily and automatically. Pupils who struggle to decode unfamiliar words quickly fall behind their peers and struggle to...
...who can’t read unfamiliar words accurately will need phonics teaching. Regardless of age, special educational need or background, the same knowledge of the alphabetic code and phonics skills underpins all...
...speech, Sir Martyn talked about the importance of professional dialogue between the inspection team and school leadership during inspections. The emphasis of ungraded inspections will be on providing school leaders...
...quickly the term fidelity and how it can be most helpfully applied how we evaluate reading on inspection examples of how school leaders have helped pupils to catch up with...
With pupils and teachers now returning to school for a new academic year, this blog gives an overview of some of the recent changes to the school inspection handbook and...
...out of school. To aid decisions like these, schools need to have strong communication with parents and with pupils about the importance of attendance and tackling non-attendance. This includes building...
The ongoing professional development of teachers is fundamentally important for education quality, and has been shown to improve teacher satisfaction and retention. Teaching practice based on an up-to-date, and deep...