Birthday celebration ... and life after levels

...With schools no longer able to use ‘national curriculum levels’ to assess children’s progress, some are spending lots of time and effort working on their curriculum and assessment systems to...
...With schools no longer able to use ‘national curriculum levels’ to assess children’s progress, some are spending lots of time and effort working on their curriculum and assessment systems to...
A few Sundays ago at the heady hour of 8pm I joined the regular #SLTchat on twitter, which, you may know, is for both teachers and leaders. Organisations or individuals...
Back in June last year, when Ofsted announced the changes to inspection under the common inspection framework, we also explained how we intended to strengthen the way we deal with complaints about inspection. In September, we introduced independent scrutiny to …
...certain factors into consideration when deciding the timing of their next inspection. So we welcome the White Paper’s proposal that it will become established policy to carry out a re-inspection...
This post is now out of date. Please read our new post on inspection timescales which we published in June 2023. There’s been some speculation...
...since we started this blog, and it’s great to see that the number of people reading our posts is increasing month by month. I’d welcome your thoughts and suggestions in... in a full inspection team to support them, usually within 24-48 hours in a school and within 15 days in an FES provider. A decision to convert does not...
To do a good job, it’s critical that Ofsted listens to the people who use and work in the services we inspect. It’s actually part of our role as set...
As summer comes to an end it is back to work for many of us, be that for schools, colleges or nurseries. I hope that everyone is refreshed for the...
Back in the early hours of a Wednesday morning in May, through the ever helpful medium of Twitter, I posed the following question: ‘Mainly but not exclusively for HTs or...