Changing our approach to short inspections: your views wanted high-stakes as a full inspection. Indeed, almost 80% of respondents to a survey last year told us they were a welcome and positive change. So we are very keen... high-stakes as a full inspection. Indeed, almost 80% of respondents to a survey last year told us they were a welcome and positive change. So we are very keen...
It has come to my attention recently that there is some misunderstanding around the differences in the prior attainment bandings used in the Inspection dashboard, RAISEonline and FFT data for key stage 2 (KS2). This was highlighted in Jamie Pembroke’s …
Watching inspections and checking that the process is working well is part of my role as a Senior HMI. I shadow inspections of our new Ofsted Inspectors (OIs) to review...
...uncertainty this summer, with the new English and mathematics GCSEs being taken for the first time, as well as the first set of new A-levels. While we know that the...
Let me begin by wishing you all a very happy New Year. I hope you had the opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries over the holiday period. recharge your batteries ready for the New Year. You can keep up-to-date with Ofsted news by signing up for email alerts. You can also follow Ofsted on Twitter. ...
As you will all know, some of the myths about what Ofsted wants still persist in many schools among teachers, senior leaders and governors. Marking, in particular, has proved to be one of the harder myths to bust.
...hope you find this information useful and I look forward to working with you in this new academic year. You can also keep up to date with Ofsted news...
As the academic year comes to a close, we'd like to say thank you to all those involved with schools, early years and further education for your hard work over the course of the year.
As the nation celebrated the Queen’s official birthday over the weekend, I found another good excuse for cake – Friday (10 June) marked a year since we published the first...