The myth of Ofsted consultants: do not buy the snake oil

...last few months talking to leadership teams around the country about the development of the new framework – and listening to what they have to say. We’ve spoken to many,...
...last few months talking to leadership teams around the country about the development of the new framework – and listening to what they have to say. We’ve spoken to many,...
There's been a lot of talk recently in the media about algorithms. Facebook has come under scrutiny for their use of algorithms to target users with specific adverts or content. Uber and Deliveroo are using them to support their business model. Public bodies such as HMRC and the Home Office are using algorithmic analysis to look at data and make decisions. I wrote recently about how we’re using them to risk assess schools to help us decide when in the inspection cycle to inspect them.
...recent inspection was ‘a fair and accurate assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of my school’. Our research with teachers complements work we do with parents, again to understand their...
...on Ofsted inspections dispelling the rumours around inspection school governors and inspection. Next year, along with our usual announcements on this blog, I would like to look in detail at...
As you will all know, some of the myths about what Ofsted wants still persist in many schools among teachers, senior leaders and governors. Marking, in particular, has proved to be one of the harder myths to bust.
...With schools no longer able to use ‘national curriculum levels’ to assess children’s progress, some are spending lots of time and effort working on their curriculum and assessment systems to...
A few Sundays ago at the heady hour of 8pm I joined the regular #SLTchat on twitter, which, you may know, is for both teachers and leaders. Organisations or individuals...
...certain factors into consideration when deciding the timing of their next inspection. So we welcome the White Paper’s proposal that it will become established policy to carry out a re-inspection...
This post is now out of date. Please read our new post on inspection timescales which we published in June 2023. There’s been some speculation...