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Sean Harford, National Director, Education

Sean Harford became National Director, Education in September 2015. Sean was appointed Her Majesty’s Inspector in 2003. Since joining Ofsted he has worked in school improvement, school inspection policy and organisational restructuring. His previous post in Ofsted was Regional Director (South).

Before joining Ofsted, Sean was a teacher and a successful senior leader in a secondary school in the East of England, as well as associate adviser for a local authority.

Follow Sean on Twitter @HarfordSean

New complaints scrutiny panels

Boy looking through magnifying glass

Back in June last year, when Ofsted announced the changes to inspection under the common inspection framework, we also explained how we intended to strengthen the way we deal with complaints about inspection. In September, we introduced independent scrutiny to …

Government proposals for Ofsted inspections

teacher in class

...certain factors into consideration when deciding the timing of their next inspection. So we welcome the White Paper’s proposal that it will become established policy to carry out a re-inspection...