Search results for VIPREG promo code for betwinner registration Bulgaria and the time is ripe for the Department for Education to revisit the policy. Schools should be forward looking and constantly seeking to improve. And, indeed, that’s what most...
...pupil movements and potential off-rolling on school inspections, please see this recent blog by Dan Owen HMI, Specialist Adviser for school inspection policy. For further information or questions about the...
...trainees to meet the needs of learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). For example, explicitly teaching a variety of strategies for adapting teaching to meet the needs of...
...when that curriculum content is learned. There are no extra forms of documentation needed for inspection because all schools already plan curriculum content and teaching activities designed to ensure that...
...duty to inspect every school back into force. We are glad to be seeing what’s happening for children, having conversations with teachers, and building on what we learned through our...
Daniel Muijs, our Deputy Director for Research and Evaluation, and Karl Sampson, Assistant Regional Director for the South West, discuss the role of multi-academy trusts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The...
...quality of Ofsted’s work and our value as a force for improvement depend absolutely on the knowledge and expertise of our inspectors. Sometimes, the public debate gets stuck at the...
...of all home-educated children and increased powers for monitoring it. The guiding principle with any form of education is to make sure that children are kept safe. When adults have...
...concerns of their members, but who also provide constructive suggestions for how we improve our current practice. Rather than rallying for the politically impossible they have pushed us to make... be clear that this evidence will not be a trigger for marking leaders down. Instead, it will form part of the wider picture of evidence. Inspectors may highlight concerns...