Inspection timetable: What will the additional funding mean for your school?
...we restarted. This meant that a typical good-rated school was likely to be inspected 5 or 6 terms later than it would have been. The new funding means that we...
...we restarted. This meant that a typical good-rated school was likely to be inspected 5 or 6 terms later than it would have been. The new funding means that we... approach in several schools this term, so we can see how they work in a live inspection environment. And we’re gathering the views of school leaders, teachers and inspectors... schools improve and to provide constructive support. Short inspections are valuable. I’m confident that this new approach will help to minimise the burden on schools. You can keep...
Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, writes about the importance of reading – and the need to help struggling readers as they start secondary school. The new school year has...
Welcome back from the Easter holidays – I hope that you had a restful break, and that you’re starting the new term refreshed! Over the holiday period, we have been...
...makes for thought-provoking reading. First, I want to stress that this research is not about reaching a consensus. We knew that our findings would not please everyone and might even...
...we plan for the new Education Inspection Framework, with changes that will take place from September 2019, we’re considering how careers provision will fit in and we’ll be consulting on...
...The pupils were keen to speak to her with their new English skills. She tells me the staff are very proud of the positive difference they’re making. When the headteacher...
...pupils’ learning. These ideas are not new: rather they are about making visible what has sometimes been lost sight of. Effective schools have always thought carefully about the intentions behind... today, all our handbooks now include a new section on ‘inspection during the COVID-19 pandemic’. We’ve built on what we’ve learned from carrying out interim visits and research calls....