Curriculum transition extended for a year

Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, talks about Ofsted’s curriculum transition arrangements and announces an extension.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, talks about Ofsted’s curriculum transition arrangements and announces an extension.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, discusses how we’ll be judging the curriculum and whether length of key stage matters.
Sean Harford HMI, our National Director for Education, talks about the first inspections under the EIF and the trends we’re seeing so far.
Mike Sheridan, our Regional Director for London, talks about our new education inspection framework and how we’ll inspect the curriculum in the smallest schools.
From September 2019, Ofsted is changing the way we inspect early years education and childcare, schools and further education colleges. Our National Director for Education, Sean Harford, discusses what parents, carers and learners can expect from our new inspections and reports.
Head teacher Sean Flood blogs about his experience of carrying out an education inspection framework (EIF) pilot inspection.
Dan Owen HMI, Specialist Adviser for school inspection policy, discusses how inspectors evaluate off-rolling on school inspections.
Outstanding rated schools are not inspected routinely. Her Majesty's Inspector (HMI) Dan Lambert explains why, and what happens when we do inspect them.
This blog talks about some of the early findings from our pilot inspections under the draft education inspection framework that we are currently consulting on. This framework is scheduled to take effect from September 2019.
Sean Harford, Ofsted's National Director for Education, discusses the work of our subject curriculum groups.