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Paul Joyce, Deputy Director, Further Education and Skills

Paul Joyce is Deputy Director, Further Education and Skills.

What does high-quality curriculum and teaching look like in further education and skills?

A tutor teaches his class about renewable energy in an engineering workshop. They are all wearing protective eyewear and blue coveralls.

  Our Annual Report 2021/22 showed a broadly positive picture for the further education and skills sector. 80% of providers are good or outstanding. Most of the sector is providing high-quality education for learners and apprentices, despite the pandemic and …

Online education in further education and skills: learning about what works

Teenage boy sitting working at a laptop

Paul Joyce, Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills, talks about our review into online education during coronavirus (COVID-19) in the further education and skills (FES) sector.

What does the new education inspection framework mean for further education and skills providers?

  Ofsted’s Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills, Paul Joyce, talks about what our new education inspection framework (EIF) means for further education and skills providers. As most of you will be aware, we introduced our new EIF on …

Changes to inspection – consultation on visits for ‘requires improvement’ further education and skills providers

...skills providers improve. For providers judged requires improvement, inspectors conduct ‘support and challenge’ visits to help providers improve. We want to make some small but important changes to the way...

Minor updates to further education and skills inspection handbook

At Ofsted we’re very aware of all the changes taking place in the sector and appreciate that there are challenges ahead. I know Area Reviews and apprenticeships reforms are uppermost in many minds.