In this blog, we’ll consider safeguarding through the course of an inspection. We’ll explain some of the main activities we undertake and why. You’ll find lots of references to keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) too. That’s because it sets …
Sean Harford and Jason Bradbury, Ofsted's Chief Statistician look at the range of evidence in inspection judgements for schools with high proportions of White British pupils and on free school meals.
On Sunday 17 April 2016 Ofsted, together with @HarfordSean, took over @SLTchat to host the regular #SLTchat Twitter chat. This Storify brings together a selection of senior leaders' tweets about the main topic - how Ofsted can avoid making extra work for teachers.
A belated happy new year – I hope you all managed to have some rest at the end of last year, and like me, are fully refreshed for this new term.
Sean Harford, National Director, Education, on the detail of short (section 8) inspections.
To do a good job, it’s critical that Ofsted listens to the people who use and work in the services we inspect.
Back in the early hours of a Wednesday morning in May, through the ever helpful medium of Twitter, I posed the following question: ‘Mainly but not exclusively for HTs or aspiring HTs: what could Ofsted do to incentivise you to