initial teacher education
Earlier this month, we launched a public consultation on our new approach to inspecting education providers. This includes new toolkits for how we will inspect, and the introduction of report cards. We want to hear from parents, carers, learners and …
Building a better understanding of the characteristics of those most likely to become and stay teachers. The aim is to inform recruitment and retention strategies and the development of a diverse workforce that mirrors the population it serves.
Initial teacher education (ITE), together with the early career framework and national professional qualifications form the ‘golden thread’ of teacher training and professional development. The aim is to develop high-quality teachers and leaders, which is vital for giving pupils the …
Today, we published the statistics about our initial teacher education (ITE) inspections. This included the outcomes for FE and skills teacher training. You can view the statistics, and those from previous years, here. We have carried out 14 inspections of …
Amy Finch, Head of Strategic Evaluation, and Helen Matthews, Specialist Advisor, Initial Teacher Education, discuss the findings of our ITE research and why it’s the right time for a new inspection approach.