data and Insight
Chris Jones, our Director, Strategy and Engagement, and Alex Jones, our Director, Insights and Research, on what a recent survey of teachers found out about inspection, Ofsted’s research and evaluation work, and other hot topics. We recently commissioned Teacher Tapp …
We’ve updated our analysis and used the data in our inspections. This blog summarises what we’ve found.
...look at how staff qualifications and other factors influence the quality of nurseries and pre-schools. As ever, we welcome your thoughts. To clarify, and following the initial publication of this...
...alone. Unsurprisingly not all children are equally likely to be affected. Children with special educational needs, children eligible for free school meals, children looked after, and some minority ethnic groups...
Over recent days, there has been considerable interest in perceived bias in inspection judgements for schools that have high proportions of White British pupils who are eligible for free school...
Since joining Ofsted as the Deputy Director for Data and Insight team and its Chief Statistician in January, I have been looking at how data is currently used to support our business and how it can be developed. It is …