data and Insight
Chris Jones, our Director, Strategy and Engagement, and Alex Jones, our Director, Insights and Research, on what a recent survey of teachers found out about inspection, Ofsted’s research and evaluation work, and other hot topics. We recently commissioned Teacher Tapp …
We’ve updated our analysis and used the data in our inspections. This blog summarises what we’ve found.
There are 27,200 nurseries and pre-schools in England, offering places to 1 million children. They cover 80% of all childcare places on Ofsted’s Early Years Register (EYR). The remaining 20%...
...between year 10 in 2016 and year 11 in 2017 This model will be used to inform our discussions with local authorities and multi-academy trusts, and to ask questions in...
...moved on considerably in schools across the country in the last decade and a half since I started inspecting. While in the early 2000s chair-chucking in schools in special measures...
Since joining Ofsted as the Deputy Director for Data and Insight team and its Chief Statistician in January, I have been looking at how data is currently used to support our business and how it can be developed. It is …