History in outstanding primary schools

Tim Jenner HMI, Ofsted’s subject lead for history, talks about the findings from our history subject inspections.
Tim Jenner HMI, Ofsted’s subject lead for history, talks about the findings from our history subject inspections.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, talks about Ofsted’s curriculum transition arrangements and announces an extension.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, discusses how we’ll be judging the curriculum and whether length of key stage matters.
Mike Sheridan, our Regional Director for London, talks about our new education inspection framework and how we’ll inspect the curriculum in the smallest schools.
What do we mean by 'intent'? Intent is about what leaders intend pupils to learn. It’s as simple as that. Intent is everything up to the point at which teaching happens.
Sean Harford, Ofsted's National Director for Education, discusses the work of our subject curriculum groups.
...last few months talking to leadership teams around the country about the development of the new framework – and listening to what they have to say. We’ve spoken to many,...
The Stage, theatre newspaper and website, recently published a poll asking readers whether or not they agreed with Amanda Spielman’s statement which they reported as 'arts courses promote unrealistic career prospects to potential students'.
Chris Jones, Deputy Director, Research and Evaluation on the second phase of Ofsted's curriculum research.
Inspection is above all about human judgement. Therefore, the quality of Ofsted’s work and our value as a force for improvement depend absolutely on the knowledge and expertise of our inspectors.