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Asking teachers what they think: Ofsted’s recent Teacher Tapp survey results

Two teachers chatting in a classroom

Chris Jones, our Director, Strategy and Engagement, and Alex Jones, our Director, Insights and Research, on what a recent survey of teachers found out about inspection, Ofsted’s research and evaluation work, and other hot topics. We recently commissioned Teacher Tapp …

The education inspection framework (EIF) – looking ahead to September 2022

Pupils painting in a school art lesson.

Christopher Russell, our National Director, Education, discusses the recent changes to our EIF handbooks and moving beyond transitional arrangements. We are coming to the end of another academic year and looking ahead to September 2022. Following our return to inspection, …

Supporting secondary school pupils who are behind with reading

Secondary school pupils reading in class, with one pupil discussing his book with the teacher.

Gill Jones, our Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education, on reading in secondary schools and supporting weaker readers. Since we have been back to inspecting, many of you have asked us about how we’re inspecting reading in secondary schools. You …

Three free Ofsted webinars for school leaders and staff: register to join

Primary school pupil working at a desk in a classroom

Chris Russell, our National Director for Education, invites you to attend online and hear directly from Ofsted. We have now been back inspecting schools routinely since September 2021. As part of our work, we have been listening carefully to feedback …

What to expect on a primary deep dive – some guidance for subject leaders

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Primary-age pupils working at desks in a classroom

Heather Fearn and Jonathan Keay, Her Majesty’s Inspectors from Ofsted’s curriculum team, discuss some key points about what primary subject leaders (especially small primary schools) can expect from deep dives. This blog builds on our previous blog about the simple …