inspection We know that short inspections are generally popular with headteachers and other school leaders. They are collaborative experiences, encouraging constructive discussions between inspectors and school leaders. And they’re not...
...the quality of what we observed. I am reassured and agree with her assessment of the strengths and where teaching can improve. We then go together and observe what’s happening...
Gill Jones, Ofsted's Deputy Director, Early Years, on the new guide that aims to bust some of the myths around early years' inspections.
Dr Christopher Jones, Ofsted’s specialist adviser for apprenticeships, explains about the apprenticeship levy and inspection.
It has come to my attention recently that there is some misunderstanding around the differences in the prior attainment bandings used in the Inspection dashboard, RAISEonline and FFT data for key stage 2 (KS2). This was highlighted in Jamie Pembroke’s … planning, scheduling, training and other back office staff. They all appreciate the challenges and demands surrounding inspections. And they recognise that the quality and reputation of Ofsted’s work is...
...graded, the results will reflect the curriculum choices, planning, teaching, learning and sheer hard work of pupils and their teachers across the land. They will be a source of pride...
On a four-day further education and skills inspection there’s a lot of evidence to collect and many people to speak with when reaching an accurate judgement. These are intensive days...
Let me begin by wishing you all a very happy New Year. I hope you had the opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries over the holiday period.
...staff behaviour policy. This is sometimes called the code of conduct and should include, among other things: acceptable use of technologies staff/pupil relationships and communications the use of social media...