FES handbook changes: what you need to know

Paul Joyce, our Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills (FES), on the changes we have made to our FES handbook.
Paul Joyce, our Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills (FES), on the changes we have made to our FES handbook.
Gill Jones, Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education, on our update of the early years inspection handbooks.
Sean Harford HMI, our National Director for Education, explains the changes to our school inspection handbooks.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, talks about Ofsted’s curriculum transition arrangements and announces an extension.
Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, discusses how we’ll be judging the curriculum and whether length of key stage matters.
Sean Harford HMI, our National Director for Education, talks about the first inspections under the EIF and the trends we’re seeing so far.
Gill Jones, our Deputy Director for Early Education, sets out how we look at early reading and phonics teaching as part of our new inspections.
Ofsted’s Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills, Paul Joyce, talks about what our new education inspection framework (EIF) means for further education and skills providers. As most of you will be aware, we introduced our new EIF on …
Mike Sheridan, our Regional Director for London, talks about our new education inspection framework and how we’ll inspect the curriculum in the smallest schools.
Amy Finch, our Head of Strategic Evaluation, sets out Ofsted’s work on evaluating the reliability of inspection.