In this blog, we’ll consider safeguarding through the course of an inspection. We’ll explain some of the main activities we undertake and why. You’ll find lots of references to keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) too. That’s because it sets …
Sean Harford, National Director for Education, and Yvette Stanley, National Director for Social Care, discuss peer-on-peer abuse: what it is, what schools should be doing when it happens and how we’ve trained our inspectors to recognise it.
...culture and ethos where safeguarding is an important part of everyday life the content of safeguarding policies and procedures, and how well these are applied in practice how staff are...
...staff behaviour policy. This is sometimes called the code of conduct and should include, among other things: acceptable use of technologies staff/pupil relationships and communications the use of social media... must meet the EYFS requirements. These state that: providers must have, and implement, a policy and procedures to safeguard children, which should be in line with the guidance and...