research and evaluation
Earlier this month, we launched a public consultation on our new approach to inspecting education providers. This includes new toolkits for how we will inspect, and the introduction of report cards. We want to hear from parents, carers, learners and …
Chris Jones, our Director, Strategy and Engagement, and Alex Jones, our Director, Insights and Research, on what a recent survey of teachers found out about inspection, Ofsted’s research and evaluation work, and other hot topics. We recently commissioned Teacher Tapp …
Daniel Muijs, our Deputy Director for Research and Evaluation, talks about how and why Ofsted carries out research.
Amy Finch, our Head of Strategic Evaluation, sets out Ofsted’s work on evaluating the reliability of inspection.
Ofsted's Head of Research, Daniel Muijs, explains how we've used cognitive load theory in the development of our new education inspection framework.
...sample of 1,000 schools (600 primary schools, 300 secondary schools, 50 special schools and 50 pupil referral units) and 250 FES providers. The schools and providers were asked to send...
Chris Jones, Deputy Director, Research and Evaluation on the second phase of Ofsted's curriculum research.
...I am happy to let people judge this for themselves. For this piece of research, Ofsted inspectors visited over 60 schools around the country and spoke to headteachers, governors, teachers,...
Sean Harford, National Director, Education, on Ofsted's research programme about the school curriculum and the preliminary findings so far.