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Gill Jones, Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education

Gill Jones is Ofsted's Early Education Deputy Director. She was appointed a Senior HMI in January 2013, having joined Ofsted in 2007. She is a qualified teacher and has extensive leadership and management experience as a headteacher and local authority inspector. She was a Consultant Leader for the National College and led training for headteachers and school improvement partners.

Supporting secondary school pupils who are behind with reading

Secondary school pupils reading in class, with one pupil discussing his book with the teacher.

Gill Jones, our Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education, on reading in secondary schools and supporting weaker readers. Since we have been back to inspecting, many of you have asked us about how we’re inspecting reading in secondary schools. You …

Inspecting safeguarding in the early years - a reminder of the guidance and some commonly asked questions

Gill Jones

...the setting, for example during a period of annual leave. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it does cover some of those most frequently asked questions.        ...